S26 GOLD Infant Formula Gift With Purchase


Aspen Nutrition market well known infant formula S-26 milk worldwide via pharmacies and supermarkets

Our brief   To increase sales whilst maintaining margins by creating a practical Gift With Purchase mothers could use everyday, everywhere with “fun” colourful appeal to babies and toddlers

Previous GWP’s had achieved only modest results, largely due to the low perceived value of the products on offer with the "S-26 original"

Our solution   Several focus group meetings with the Aspen Nutrition marketing team provided us with a short list of possible items relevant to their target market. The eventual successful option was a lunch bag containing a feeding bowl and sipper cup -this was given away with purchases of two cans of "S26 Gold"

Importantly this GWP had a very high perceived value in relation to the purchase price - a testament to our considerable offshore buying power and stringent QC measures

The promotion achieved an amazing sales increase of 170% for Aspen Nutrition and we were proud to receive an Excellence Award from APPA, our industry body!